Adele Eigner, born on 26.3.1899 in Blumau near Eisenerz, died on 8.4.1985 in Eisenerz.
Hans Eigner, dates of birth unknown.
Work manuscripts
Publication notes, poems, handwritten notes.
Adele E.: KFO-Frauenzeitung 10.Jg./1933 and 3 calendar books [1927, 1929, 1934] without cover [each containing contributions by Adele Eigner]
Booklet with the handwritten date "1933. Dated "1933. Adele Eigner-Prantl, Eisenerz". Collection of poems: Bergleuchten.
Hans Eigner: play!, in 5 acts, 22 sheets. Type. (pag. p.1-22), hs. Corr., in booklet cover
Signature: FNI-EIGNER-EM