Leifhelm Hans
Hans Leifhelm (pseudonyms: Hermann Brinckmeyer, Konrad Overstolz, Johannes Heinrich), born on 2.2.1891 in Mönchengladbach (North Rhine-Westphalia), died on 1.3.1947 in Riva del Garda (Italy). 3 siblings, Stiftsches Humanistisches Gymnasium, Abitur 1911, studied medicine in Strasbourg (abandoned his studies for financial reasons), studied political science at the University of Innsbruck, then in Vienna, continued his studies in Berlin, interrupted by conscription, during the 1st World War due to his weak constitution. In 1913 first visit to Styria during a trip to Italy with his friend Heinrich Lersch, 1914 soldier, 1917 first marriage to Sophie Hennicke (1890-1945) from Graz, one daughter (Elfriede), 1917 editor at the Eisenbahnersyndikat, 1918 continued his studies at the universities of Bonn and Heidelberg, doctorate in Heidelberg, 1919 editor at the Munich art magazine "Wieland", after unemployment moved to Graz in 1923, 1923 careers advisor, soon head of the employment office, 1930 careers advisor at the Dortmund employment office, from 1932 to January 1933 teacher of economics and social policy in Düsseldorf, unemployed, 1933 teaching in Graz, 1934-38 freelance writer, editor of the "Deutsche Bergbücherei"; turned against the Nazi enthusiasm of his friend Heinrich Lersch, divorced in 1933 (Sophie L. dies 1945 as a communist in a concentration camp); 1933-1935 back in Graz, 1935 retreat to Neumarkt, then to Italy, April to June 1938 cure at the Istituto Regina Elena in Rome, then in Marino Laziale in the Alban Hills, 1939-42 successor to Felix Braun at the University of Padua, worsening illness, in Malcesine and then at the Ospedale Civile in Riva on Lake Garda; in the last years of his life in great poverty, cared for by the teacher Beppina Mazzi, death from encephalitis.
Scope: 7 archive boxes
Contents: Works, correspondence, life documents, collections.
Degree of processing: The fonds are finely indexed, adetailed index is available at /fileadmin/_files/_gewi_sites/_franz-nabl-institut/Bestandsverzeichnisse/Leifhelm_Hans_Detailverzeichnis.pdf.
Call number: FNI-LEIFHELM
Current/core period: 1891-1947