Nonveiller Heinz
Born on 9.12.1885 in Graz, died on 29.3.1955 ibid. Poet.
Publications include: Die Unbekannte (1917), Das unverlorene Paradies. Gedichte von Tieren, Blumen und Bäumen (1931); Letzte Götter, Gedichte von Göttern, Teufeln, Blumen, Bäumen, Pflanzen und Tieren (1938); Die Geburt der Menschlichkeit (1929), Der stumme Bruder (1932), Andreas Baumkircher (1938).
Scope: 1 folder
Works, correspondence, life documents, collections.
The Parnassus. Poems. Compiled in 1945, with dedications to HSch. in the form of poems, An author's evening of a married couple, Self-portrait of a floodplain poet, Goethe once again, A new legend of creation, Texts about Johannes Ude.
Little girls. From the diary of a good-for-nothing. 1910 [tr., 53 Din A5 pages]
Diary [autograph, entries from 14.8.1909 to 13.9.1909].
Divese congratulatory letter on his 65th birthday.
2 letters from Braun, Felix to HN, Vienna, 7.10.1926 and 19.10.1926.
1 letter from Petzold, Alfons to HN, o.O., 8.5.1922.
1 hs. Letter from Werfel, Franz to HN, Breitenstein, 7.10.1926.
6 letters (typed copies) and 2 cards (typed copies) from Romain Rolland to H.N. Villeneuve, 10.5.1925, 12.12.1925, 14.5.1926, 8.1.1927, 20.1.1927, 22.10.1926, 8.2.1930 and 12.11.1926.
Degree of processing: The fonds are roughly indexed.
Current/core period: 1885-1955