Schmidt Alfred Paul
Born on 31.3.1941 in Vienna. Childhood with various foster parents, left grammar school in 1957, attended the "Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für alpenländische Landwirtschaft" in Braunberg-Irdning (training as an agricultural engineer), but then went to the Arbeitermittelschule in Graz, Matura in 1967, brief studies at the Grazer Konversatorium (Baßgeige), sociology and education in Vienna and Gothenburg, two semesters at the PÄDAK in Graz, jobs as night porter, construction worker, cameraman; Freelance writer since 1974, in Graz since 1975, scripts for FS crime series since 1983, author of TV films and series such as "Tatort", "Peter Strohm" and "Eurocops".