Zinkl Herbert
Born on 30.10.1929 in Kapfenberg (Styria), died on 5.9.2021. Writer and journalist; son of Schumacher Anton Zinkl and Aloisia; began writing in 1936; lived in Kapfenberg until 1959; pupil, apprentice, metal turner in heavy industry; newspaper reporter, local editor in Bruck an der Mur and Graz, where he moved to in 1960, manager of the "Ragnitzbad" in Graz from 1962 to 1990, worked part-time as a journalist, freelancer for ORF; member of the P.E.N. Club and the Styrian Writers' Association until its dissolution in 1991.Club and the Styrian Writers' Association until its dissolution in 1991.
Awards include: Poetry Prize of the Innsbruck Youth Culture Weeks (1952, 1953), Poetry Prize of the City of Graz (1956), Literature Promotion Prize of the City of Graz (1975), Theodor Körner Foundation Prize (1978), Ernst Koref Poetry Prize (1983), Youth Book Prize of the Styrian Provincial Government (1978, 1981).
Publications include: Vier junge Kapfenberger (ed. O. Hofmann-Wellenhoff, 1954); Anker im Dasein (1973), Asyl bei den Ikonen (1982), Zypern Lyrisch (1987); Prosa Alle Träume dampfen südwärts (1978), Lausige Zeiten. Eine Jugend zwischen 1934 und 1945 (1988), Abgängig (1991); the ORF produced the radio plays Ein junger Mann besucht einen alten Mann and Ein geheimnisvoller Bettnachbar.
Scope: 1 archive folder
Cruise. Poem (Ms.), Luggage. Poem (Ms.); Der Automatenknacker. Radio play (Typ., 30 sheets); Trio Infernal. Radio novel (Typ. in cop., 53 sheets)
Newspaper articles, 30 sheets.
Degree of processing: The collection is roughly indexed.
shelfmark: FNI-ZINKL
Current/core period: 1929-2021