Overview of the Franz Nabl Institute's pre- and posthumous holdings
literary remains and pre-mortem bequests
Estate of Günter Eichberger | Estate of Franz Nabl |
Pre- and posthumous bequests (partial holdings)
Benndorf Wolfgang (Guttenbrunner Collection)
Newes Martha Maria (Höller Collection)
Faschinger Lilian (Horny Collection)
gangan-Verlagsarchiv 1984-1994
Gruppe Or-Om (Pflegerl Collection)
Handke Peter (Widrich Collection)
Hamik Anton / Volkskunstverlag
Keller Paul Anton (Wittmann-Kirschbaum)
Müller-Guttenbrunn Herbert (Weinzierl Collection)
Rundfunktexte (Mixner Collection)
Sapper Theodor (Wittmann-Kirschbaum Collection)
Scheucher Franz (Klug Collection)
Schnehen Herbert (Tinti Collection)
Heribert Schwarzbauer Collection
St. Peter-Spielschar (Graf Collection)
Theater im Keller (Hainschek Collection)
Theater programs (Glatz-Neumann Collection)
Single manuscripts